Thursday, April 12, 2007

Magically Delicious

Yesterday six boxes of Boo Berry arrived at my doorstep. Who on earth would go to the trouble of ordering six boxes of sugared cereal off the internet when there are 150 varieties of sugared cereal at any grocery store you could possibly walk into? Well, you have your answer.

For most of my childhood, I was a have-not. My mom was on Weight Watchers pretty much from its inception in the 1970's until I was a teenager. But occasionally, for special occasions, I would be allowed to pick out one box of "the good stuff" and my selection would invariably be Boo Berry (and I would then go on a sugar rampage, consuming the entire box, with or without milk, in the course of a day and a half). That is, until it stopped being widely available.

For some reason, General Mills decided to take Boo Berry and Frankenberry underground, while continuing to promote Count Chocula. So nowadays most people think that it has been discontinued, but, as wikipedia rightly points out, GM still makes it and it is available on the internet. And Boo Berry has a loyal following. Run a google search and you'll find sites like this for the hardcore Boo Berry-ite. In fact, there was even a feature on The Daily Show with an interview of the guy who runs a fan website. I love the internet.

And I love my Boo Berry. Mike is concerned that I might sit down and consume all six boxes in one day. I can understand his concern, but I reserve such gluttony only for the week after girl scout cookies are delivered these days. Really. (I'm still trying to get the girl scout cookie 5 that I just gained off.) He has discussed hiding and/or rationing, but I swear I do not plan any sort of binging. Well, at least not while he's in town. He does have a conveniently scheduled business trip next week though...

So watch for a new photo on the Boo Berry site one day soon: Leila and her Boo Berry.


Anonymous said...

OMG, I wonder if I could find Franco-American Raviolios that way? They used to have them right alongside Spaghettios, but I haven't seen them for years ...

-- Spungen

Anonymous said...

Once, when I was little, my mother let me buy a box of Cap'n Crunch on the condition that I not tell my younger brother. Ever since, I get an illicit thrill from Cap'n Crunch, (and I don't even really like the stuff -- too sweet).


Anonymous said...

Fruit Loops were our illicit only-on-vacation-or-when-visiting-grandparents cereals.