Mike and I went to Boston last weekend. We were there for his college reunion, but we spent very little time actually reunioning. We did catch up with a few Boston-area friends, including my best friend from law school and a friend of his from college who graduated a year or two after him. Oh, yeah, we also met up with my high school boyfriend and his wife (and infant daughter, who is adorable). It was the first time I'd seen him in 20 years. Whoa.
Anyway, that went pretty well. I'd been e-mailing with David for the last couple of years and we generally knew what was going on with each other. The funny thing was that we determined prior to the trip that Mike and his wife went to the same college 5 years apart and that therefore they would be at reunion events for her reunion as well (they live locally, so not as big of an endeavor for them). So when we met up, Mike and Shelley started talking about school. They figured out that they lived in all the same dorms/houses throughout their college experience. That was a bit random. But cool.
I think that the meeting went well for all and there was only minimal awkwardness. It was good to see him again and I'm sure at least part of that is that I'm in a pretty happy place both relationship-wise and life-wise. It is good to see that he is as well.